Park ranger hoists suffering dog on his shoulders for miles to tend to his needs
Had it not been for the park ranger the dog's fate would have been very different.
Jonathan Arrastia

Be Sure To Pack Water

Hiking adventures are a fulfilling time to integrate yourself with nature and self-reflect on the path your life has taken. It’s a time to spend with friends and talk about the things that make your friendship sparkle with vivid energy. That’s not to say that every hike comes equipped with adversity in many forms. For some, it’s the confusion of not knowing which direction to go or seemingly insurmountable obstacles like rivers or walls that prevent hikers from making progress. For Lexie Daniel and her group of friends, this obstacle was a rather interesting one. It all started when the group came across a park ranger who was helping a dog that was visibly suffering from heat exhaustion.

Gratitude DNA
Gratitude DNA

As soon as Lexie and the group spotted the ranger and the pup, they offered their assistance any way they could. They even went ahead and offered a part of their own water supply in order to quench the dog’s insatiable thirst. Unfortunately, it seemed the pup was still struggling despite the amount of water that was given to him. It seemed like all hope was lost until Park Ranger Kris Salapek stepped in and decided to help out. It seemed to come at the perfect moment since the pup had already been struggling for some time to catch a normal breath of fresh air.

Facebook-Lexie Daniel
Facebook-Lexie Daniel

A Fight For Survival

The owner and the dog were rather far up the trail when suddenly the dog started suffering from a sudden heatstroke. Since they were far, the dog’s owner couldn’t carry him back to the car. Lexie wrote in a Facebook post:

“This park ranger picked up this huge dog, threw him over his shoulders, and carried him down [an] incredibly rocky hill all the way down to the stream (it was a LONG distance), and laid him in the water as he knelt beside him and poured water on him.”

According to Lexie’s account of the event, the dog must have been on Salapek’s shoulders for about an hour! That is truly incredible and a significant example of strength and determination at its best.

Gratitude DNA
Gratitude DNA

When the group reached the vehicle, the dog was apparently looking better. He was given enough water to where it didn’t look like he was physically struggling to get air inside his system. The doggo seemed to be picking up its head better and was ready to push himself towards the final stretch. He was rushed to the veterinarian to make sure everything was fine and to heal up the last of his bodily aches.

Facebook-Lexie Daniel
Facebook-Lexie Daniel

Road To Recovery

After some time, Lexie reached out to Salapek to check on the pup and to her amazement, the pup was already in great condition! She took to Facebook and updated everyone who had been so keen on staying tuned to the heart-throbbing story. Even one viewer stated, “This update 1000 percent made my day.” We couldn’t agree more!

Facebook-Lexie Daniel
Facebook-Lexie Daniel

Sometime’s being in the wrong place at the wrong time does happen. But it’s during these times that we’re glad helpful human beings like Salapek exist in the world because they’re willing to help others in need. Some heroes truly do not wear capes.

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