Once upon a time, the word “robot” was from the sci-fi genre. At that time, they were only depicted in movies and books as something we dreamed was real.

But robots were invented much earlier than you might think. There are accounts in the middle ages of devices that could technically be classified as robots. This was due to a design that allowed them to move independently and perform basic tasks. While impressive pieces of machinery, they were not robots in the same way we think of them today.

Whether you know it or not, there are now robots for almost everything. A lot of homes have an Echo Dot, but Alexa is far from the only — or the most advanced — robot currently available.

A huge number of industries rely on robots as well, from entertainment to medicine. A robotic lifeguard named E.M.I.L.Y. was credited with making more than 77,000 rescues. Meanwhile, robots are making new things possible in the fields of disaster prevention, space exploration, and environmental protection.

They’re no longer something just from the movies. The age of robots is here and there’s no limit to what they can do.