Rebel employee hides from boss at obscure location in office
See if you can find him first. We would love to play hide and seek with our boss like this. Although, it would probably lead to us getting fired :(.
Morgan Slimak

Organizing some friendly games in the workplace is a great way to keep the energy and morale up. It’s what workers at the VAT19 company do. Employee, Danny, and his boss, Jamie, have a pretty fun game going. They like to play hide and seek with each other.

Instead of doing work like he is supposed to, Danny likes to hide in ridiculous places around the office.

Then he makes social media posts online trash-talking his boss and egging the man on until he is found. However, in a recent video posted on the VAT19 YouTube channel, we think that Danny might have taken things a little too far.

“Hey everyone! I’m in my spot and Jamie is about to start looking. We got pretty bold this time. I hope it works,” Danny wrote.

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He also made a slight modification to their normal arrangement.

Danny told his boss that he decided to change up the rules a little bit. The outside of the office was now fair play, meaning Jamie had a lot more ground to cover looking for him. Danny did add that he left some cues around the office though to make Jamie’s job easier.

“You can see me clear as day if you know where to look, and I’m really awesome and smart for thinking of all this,” wrote Danny.

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Jamie began his search for the rebel employee.

First, he decided to check the shop section of their warehouse. However, all Jamie noticed there was a gigantic mess. There were tools and boards laying everywhere.

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He then figured he would just casually walk around the office to see if he saw anything out of the ordinary.

In the kitchen, he saw the dishwasher running, which he thought was pretty unusual. Normally, no one ever cleans there! He also found a piece of cake which he decided to investigate.

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He didn’t find Danny on the roof either.

He even checked the air conditioner because he thought Danny might be hiding in it.

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Jamie also punched a couple of stuffed trash bags to test them out.

You never know where your employees might be hiding.

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However, what Jamie didn’t realize is that Danny left literal signs all around the office telling his boss exactly where he was located.

Jamie walked right by the clues several times. Can you see the poster on the wall in the top left of the image below?

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“Hiding Is Easy!” it reads.

Another poster that was put up looked just like a kid’s drawing.

However, upon closer inspection, it listed exactly where Danny was located. In the kitchen! It’s interesting because Jamie already checked there and all he found was cake!

Finally, though, Jamie was able to figure it out.

He noticed the “Hiding Is Easy!” poster. Then read the clue on the bottom. It said that Danny was hiding in the sprinkler system in the kitchen. Jamie was literally in that room pointing right at the hiding spot earlier and didn’t even realize it.

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All in all, it was a pretty hilarious game of hide and seek. Even with all the clues hidden in plain sight, it still took Jamie the entire day to track down the rogue employee.

It seems like a pretty fun game to play. Although we have to say, it’s probably not a game that most people should try in their office. Hiding out in the sprinkler system of the building all day sounds like a pretty good way to get fired, but it certainly makes for an entertaining YouTube video.

Watch the full video of Jamie searching around the office for Danny below.

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