We all seem to know someone who likes to consider themselves a handyman. Spoiler alert: it’s usually our dad. And to be fair, sometimes they’re really good at making repairs! Maybe they’ve worked in construction or plumbing or they just have a lot of life experience fixing things. Even if those people have some ideas that seem overly creative, we still give them the benefit of the doubt.

Then there are the people who want to be handy, but just…aren’t. Perhaps they watched too much “MacGyver” while growing up. Or maybe they like to avoid spending money for professional repair services.

With those people, you may not always end up with things that work but you sure get a lot of hilarious repairs. While they’re funny, some are also dangerous. People like this will go to almost any length to not use professional services whether due to money or personal pride.

So yes, if you know a repairman (or woman) like that, you might want to double-check all their work to make sure it won’t kill anybody. One thing’s for sure, you’ll have a lot of hilarious stories to tell — and pictures to share on the internet.