If you try to find someone who doesn’t like music, you’ll probably have a hard time. Everyone loves music, whether it’s classical instrumental or hard rock.

Music is a part of our lives, woven into our cultures and embedded in our memories. Think back on your childhood — you probably have a song that’s irretrievably part of those years. Maybe it was a lullaby your parents sang to you when you were little. Or perhaps it was the theme song of a favorite television show.

But the truth is — music affects so many different parts of our life that we might not consciously recognize them. Scientists still aren’t sure about the full potential of music on our minds. But what they do know is it affects every part of the brain — not just processing sound but also memory, mood, self-perception, and more.

So, while we know music can affect us in multiple ways, we’re still learning the full scope of what that means. As research continues, we’ll learn more about how music can help us not just mentally and emotionally, but also physically. Here are 65 amazing ways music can improve your life.