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Most dogs are generally happy, especially when you show them plenty of love and attention. Sometimes, however, a dog can become depressed. In some cases, no matter what you do, it seems they just can’t get out of their funk. Luckily, you can utter two simple words to turn their demeanor around: “Good boy!”

One of the easiest ways to cheer your dog up when they become depressed is to tell them that they are a good boy or a good girl. Chances are, their eyes will light up, and they might even have a smile on their face. In addition, if you give them a little affection at the same time, in the form of petting, you’ll most likely make them feel so much better.

The following dogs are having a normal, or even a bad day in some cases. But all it took was a little “good boy” or “good girl,” and they are all smiles again. You can check out the before and after photos of these four-legged canine companions to see just how much a little encouragement brightened up their day.